Saturday, January 1, 2011

Three of the World's Worst Things

NUMBER ONE: The Vuvuzela.

I think millions of people were entered into a sanatorium after blowing those things. PTHBBBT! Probably started hearing it in their sleep, and went crazy. I have a permanent grudge against these terrible plastic noisemakers.

NUMBER 2: Nikki Yanofsky's "I Believe".

That song was a constant assault on my ears for a month. Every day they would play that song OVER AND OVER! Nikki then turned into a vicious, money hog, devouring all Canadians in her path with her songs of pure evil.


Two pieces of Chicken, two strips of Bacon, and two slices of processed Monterey Jack cheese. One Heart Attack comin' your way amigo. Anyone could see that. KFC, you get more disgusting everyday.

I go all Hulk everytime I see or hear ANY of those things. TV Commercials, KFC Signs, Waka Waka, iTunes, whatever! But Lord, please just Hulk Smash all of those little pests. Grrrrr.

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I'm now on Twitter and Facebook! Check out the Widgets on the right hand side of the blog two see my latest Tweets and Updates!

The Idea

That was me last night. December 31st, 2010. I was lonely. Thinking of some AWESOME idea to make my life so much more exciting in 2011. I found it.

I WOULD MAKE A BLOG! My life changed. Endless possibilities swirled around me. Thus, the Buffalo Pasture was made. It was a pair of knit animal mittens shaped like buffalo that inspired this awesome blog title. Yeah.... exciting. Wooo.

That's the mitten that inspired me. There was another one. Now I've entered the world of blogs.... my god.